Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Plan

Morning In The Neighborhood
colored pencil on pastel paper
8 1/2 x 4 inches
copyright 2007 by Ann Thompson Nemcosky

Well, I've got a plan. For the time being anyway. Thinking realistically about managing my time and keeping up with everything I want to do forced me to actually devise a schedule. Really, I create schedules all the time so this is not something unfamiliar to me. Our method of homeschooling requires a schedule to help keep us on track. Plus there's all the extra activities my daughter participates in that must be taken into account. Then there's the day-to-day stuff like housework, errands, cooking and meal times. Add in time for making art, reading, and plain old relaxing and well, you can see that the days around here are pretty full.

Yet I do strive to maintain a balance, especially where my daughter is concerned. I firmly believe that kids need time for doing nothing.
For that matter we grown-ups need the same thing, a bit of unscheduled time for quiet contemplation now and then. It's fine to have plenty of activities but I feel kids also need unstructured time to just be. That's where a real sense of self comes from. And where creativity gets a chance to grow. The pay off is that I have a child who has always been very self-directed. That's a good thing.

But back to my plan and how it relates to this blog. I have decided to plan for three posts per week, probably on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

~Mondays will be "Home" day. This is where I will share information and resources about anything having to do with home and homeschool. There is an art to both of these endeavors and it's a continual learning process.

~Wednesdays will be "Books". Here is where I will share all those books that have been and continue to be influential for my ongoing development as an artist.

~Fridays will be "Art Work" days where I will focus on the process, intent and artists of influence concerning my re-entry into the world of actively making art.

Of course I am hoping that you will share in the discussion on any or all of these topics. I will be posting artwork as often as possible, not just on Fridays, so please stay tuned...

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