Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jumping rope

Remember those jump rope rhymes? As I drew this for last week's Everyday Matters drawing challenge, (draw a rope) I tried but couldn't remember any of the rhymes we said as kids when jumping rope. So I searched the internet and found loads of them. A few I remembered, most were unfamiliar to me. I noted one I did recall on my journal page with my drawing of a jump rope. I also remember starched smocked dresses with short puffy sleeves, the kind with elastic that cut into my arms. Those dresses with Peter Pan collars and sashes that tied in big bows in the back. And bobby socks with stiff leather black and white saddle shoes. Remember those? It's a wonder little girls in the late sixties could play at all, let alone jump rope dressed like that.


  1. This is lovely. I remember jumping rope quite a bit but also don't remember the rhymes. Do kids even jump rope these days? I am still trying to find rope to draw! your fork is much so that I don't want to post mine but will in a few days. Your work is wonderful..Leigh

  2. Yes! I remember jumping rope! Your rope sketch is beautiful as are all the others I've checked out on your blog.

  3. Way cool. I love the sinuous shape and negative spaces. It's hard to imagine now, but I did like jumping rope once upon a time.

  4. Your composition is fabulous for this challange! I love to visit yor site!

  5. Yes, i do remember those! I was the neighborhood skipping champ and I wore saddle shoes while skipping! Your wonderful drawing brought back some great memories.
