Monday, October 4, 2010


I sat down and sketched these acorns the other evening, using watercolor pencils. There is a little collection of acorns on our kitchen windowsill, collected from the yard and driveway. We have had an abundance of acorns this year. That seems to suggest a hard winter ahead. I hope not. Not again. Although last year we had almost no acorns fall from our oak trees. And last winter here was brutal. So I don't know what that means. Except that for a few weeks we heard the constant ping of acorns falling onto the driveway.

I love that acorns are so full of possibility. That's usually how I feel about this time of year too. Something about the Autumn, when October comes around, that makes me think of new beginnings, a fresh start. More so than in January even. Maybe it's because of all those acorns.


  1. seems odd, I just read that Throreu quote the other day someplace..really nice trio of acorns!

  2. Lovely, I love the white space - it gives them room for their possibility.

  3. These are exquisite. I love that sentiment about the potential inside the acorn... Very nice work!

  4. These are quite lovely, and the quotation is very apt. I agree with you about the fall - it does seem filled with possibility and new beginnings ... nancy

  5. nicely done :D we have hundreds of conkers on the ground in the park, never thought to draw them tho, should collect some more now to draw :)

  6. A wonderful drawing Ann. I love how you notice the details.
    Thoreau's quote is a nice touch.
    Fantastic post as always!

  7. Ultra-realism! =) Funny how acorns always remind me of Chip and Dale

  8. I love acorns too... and my front yard is covered in them!

    Beautiful painting. Love the rich colors and harmony.

  9. Wonderful details and colors! I'm finally enjoying some wonderful weather...but, it is unusually chilly for us this time of year. I wonder if we'll have a harsh(well, harsh for a Texan :D)winter too.

  10. Abundant acorns in Juniper Hills Ca. and Minnetonka, Minnesota as well.... or so my relatives say! Thanks for the comment on the wire cats.
    Beautiful artwork! Love your dog picture
    Continued success!

  11. I love your acorns. I pick some up every time I'm on a walk with my dog, but I have yet to draw them. Nice job!

  12. I love this spread - how you used the empty space, the lettering, the beautiful molding of the acorns. So spare and so effective. Beautiful!

  13. Ahhh, a sure sign of Fall.... I hope we don't have a hard winter again too. I currently have Box Elder Bugs on my window sill, but I am definitely not sketching those. More like a killing spree. But we're having a nice Indian Summer day and I guess you have to take the Box Elders with it. Your acorns are lovely and glowing. Hope you're having a beautiful Fall day too, but without the bugs.

  14. eewww! Krista - I don't think I know what kind of bugs those are but I know I wouldn't like them on my windowsill!

    Our fall has been exquisite! I hope you all are enjoying yours too. Thanks everyone for the kind comments!
