Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First aid

This is my drawing for last week's Everyday Matters drawing challenge #238, something you'd find in a first aid kit. This is what I always carry with me in my purse. It's Kiddo's Epi-pens, a few packets of Benadryl, and some band-aids. The Epi-pens are because of her allergy to peanut. The Benadryl is just in case, and I believe moms are supposed to carry band-aids. Every so often the Epi-pens expire and we get the prescription renewed. The old, unused Epi-pens are triumphantly thrown out. Such a relief.


  1. I enjoyed catching up with your drawings on your blog. Nice work

  2. I like this one - the orange is so bright and cheerful. A great sketch.

  3. should carry band-aids or glue ;) both work lol

    an unused pen is def. cause for celebrating. :)

  4. Ah yes, I love it when I can throw away all my epipens! Very nice drawing with great colors. nancy
