Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What's on the drawing board

Here's the colored pencil drawing I am currently working on in its beginning stages. You can see where I have begun blocking in some of the darker areas and bits of color here and there over my first layer of a creamy yellow. It still has a long way to go before completion, but it's only approximately 5 x 7 inches, so hopefully this little sea urchin won't take me too awfully long to finish.


  1. So excited to see this piece developing! It looks remarkable already!

  2. I can see the beginnings of a beautiful sea urchin already! Nice going so far.

  3. This is going to be yet another epic =)

  4. I can't wait to see it finished. Sea urchins fascinate me (like most sea things, actually). I never tried drawing one, they seem very difficult to me (but you're already doing a fantastic job of it!) I love eating them, too, such a treat!

  5. You've made a beautiful start! I'm afraid my cp's have been languishing since I went back to wc!

  6. very nice job with the bumpy texture :)

  7. It's going to be great! Those colors are so pretty together... what are they?

  8. Thanks everyone! I hope to make a lot more progress on it over the next few days :-)

    Katherine, I started with Cream as a base, and have used light flesh, rose madder lake, deep scarlet red, indian red, venetian red, terracotta, van-dyke brown, dark sepia, dark cad. yellow, sky blue, indianthrene blue, dark indigo, cold gray III, and cold gray IV, not necessarily in that order! These are all Faber-Castell Polychromos. That is probably the extent of the color palette for this piece, but there's always the chance I'll grab something else along the way. What is most worked so far is on the dark, shadowed side, so who knows what will happen on the lighter sides :-)

  9. I can't wait to see how your progress with this, it's looking great already!

  10. I have to agree with everyone else. It really has got off to a flying start.

  11. Very skillful. I could spend a month on a 5" x 7". I was watching the Antique Roadshow the other day - and of course there it is all about value - the expert said in art size does matter. I beg to differ.

  12. So beautiful already, can't wait to see the finished piece!
