Wednesday, August 31, 2016

simple hours

Simple Hours
10 x 14 inches
©Ann Thompson Nemcosky

When hiking along the Blue Ridge Parkway in these mountains you sometimes come upon a setting that suggests that particular spot was once more cultivated than it is now. Maybe a farm was once there, or a cabin with a garden that is long gone over into wildness again. This is one of those places, with a small stand of apple trees left alone out on a hillside, reminiscent of a more simple time long ago.


Boud said...

This is really lovely. Watercolor is so lyrical.

Boud said...

Just a passing question:since height precedes width in art measuring, did you change the proportions with software? It looks more like 14x10 to me.sorry the screen with numbers not visible while I type so I am trying to remember the correct numbers.

Jennifer Rose said...

such pretty colours :)


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