So I have been catching up with Everyday Matters drawing challenges. The one above is #214, draw something representing your favorite hobby. It's graphite and colored pencil in my square hand.book journal. I guess you could say crocheting is one of my hobbies. I enjoy the meditative aspect of the repetition of making the stitches, all those loops. I don't try anything too complicated, usually just scarves or afghans, flat pieces all in one color of course. I am just not interested in learning to do anything more complicated in crochet at this time. That would require more thought to learn more skills, and take away from the meditative activity that it is for me. I like that I can sit and crochet and not think about anything at all.

And here is #215, draw your thumb. Graphite in my square hand.book journal.
I love how you got the texture on the yarn. Great job on both your drawings.
Love the crochet needle and yarn...very realistic!
Knitting and crochet are so relaxing, indeed meditative and your sketches are wonderful!
I've tried to crochet, just can't get my fingers to work properly. My MIL does a lot of crochet, she tried teaching me but I think I drove her nuts :p
Love the thumb sketch :D interesting take on the subject and a good way to tie the book to your drawings. :)
Great sketch of the crochet hook. Wonderful texture in the yarn.
I think the crochet drawing is really beautiful. It seems to reflect exactly what you write about your hobby.
I feel the same way about knitting. I stick to very basic patterns and enjoy the relaxing repetitiveness of making stitches while my mind is free to wander. I often knit for the Guidepost Knit for Kids project which is a very simple sweater (beginner level simple, in either knitting or crochet). The sweaters are then sent out to children in orphanages across the world. It's a win-win situation. I have the fun and relaxation of knitting and a child somewhere ends up with a warm sweater - which makes me feel warm too.
Nice cp drawing on the crochet!
You did a great job on both of these. I love the clarity of the yarn make-up and your thumb on your journal page is a great take on the subject.
I also enjoy knitting and crocheting. I am at a very basic level too. I am afraid that if I get too deep in in I would get overwhelmed. Ahhh!!! Arts and crafts....there is just so much to do and so little time!
I tried to comment on your weebly site and it told me it was not published yet? Thought you'd like to know.
Great challenges. I tried to crochet granny squares once and somehow ended up with a bunch of granny triangles. (It made me too mad to be relaxing)
I love how you captured the softness of the yarn with the shiny hook and the thumb with your journal is great too!
Nice drawings. I liked your shells and the memories they will hold of your holiday. You don't often use paint, liked seeing these looser images in watercolour.
Love both your drawings. The composition of the thumb one is great! And the wool looks so much like real wool, it's amazing! I think I'd like to learn crochet, too, for the same reasons you mention.
The painting of thumb is very nice...:)Well Done! BTW I have started a new blog dedicated to my sketch work — Art on Sketchbook
I like your drawing and the title you chose for your post!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...I didn't think anyone would notice I wasn't there! ;) Too many irons in the fire for me to keep up!
I LOVE your crochet sketch (the composition, values, texture & concept)& feel exactly the same...I too love to crochet. Have since I was a babe in my Grandma's kitchen. It is very relaxing!
Also love your other cp work...the cosmos is great! Have I asked you if you ever were a member of CPSA? They have some great cp artists.
Warmest aloha,
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